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eSports Program Overview

2019-20学年是保利首个电子竞技团队年. Poly participated in the High School eSports League (HSEL) and has since added the Vanta High School eSports League for students and teams to compete in more games. Both leagues offer opportunities for our students to compete with other high schools across the country; showcasing their competitive skills in their respective games, and building a social community with other gamers. By participating in eSports, 学生们通过快速找到他们遇到的挑战的解决方案来磨练批判性思维技能和适应不同情况的能力, as well as demonstrating resiliency and focus. Poly的电子竞技团队和游戏策略由技术教员和网络与系统经理领导 Pasquale Cioffi.

The set of games supported by the leagues each year varies. Poly为这些流行的竞技游戏系列开发的团队包括《十大网堵平台》, Fortnite, Overwatch, Counter-Strike, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and MK1. 

eSports Leagues


HSEL’s mission“让每个学生都能在全国的高中里参加电子竞技,成为一项合法的大学运动. 为了实现这一目标,我们让教师很容易为学生提供一个机会,让他们在同龄人的包围下参与健康的电子竞技比赛, and supervised by teachers. Through organized eSports competition, 学生们将把他们对游戏的投入与他们在学术和未来职业上的成功联系起来.”

Vanta’s mission:  “We believe in gamers of character. Being a part of a team, learning how to win and lose well, how to stand in our power and show up for each other. 这就是传统体育带来的东西,我们将这些原则融入到我们的电子竞技课程中, 平台和联盟,帮助8-18岁的孩子成长为最好的自己. 有了万塔,他们将成为鼓舞人心的运动员和模范公民,他们可以对游戏世界产生积极影响,并成为未来的领导者.”

Competitions 2023-24

在2023-24学年,电子竞技队伍参加了以下比赛:MS Rocket League, MS Super Smash Bros, MS Mario Kart, US Chess, and US MK1.

  • Reyhan Sanchez ’24 在过去的一年里,他在电子竞技国际象棋队中名列前茅,进入了HSEL的季后赛. He has consistently done so during his time in the program, 创造了保利电子竞技项目中季后赛名额最多的学生纪录.
  • Loch Baird ’26 placed 2nd in the Spring 2024 Vanta league MK1 tournament. 这是Poly Prep电子竞技第一次参加这个比赛,也是第一次在这个联赛中获得高排名.
Featured Gamers

Loch Baird ’26 has demonstrated an eager competitive spirit, discipline, and technical prowess this past eSports spring 2024 season. Placing 2nd in the regional east coast Vanta league tournament in the game MK1; I believe he’ll place even further ahead in his subsequent tournament brackets during his tenure in Poly’s eSports program. – Coach Cioffi

Loch Baird
Loch Baird ’26

Middle School student Alexander B. ’31 在Poly PM键盘游戏期间,他展示了未来电子竞技学生的许多品质. He consistently shows up early, 在游戏中学习细致但必要的细节, 并通过之前的游戏经验推断对手的弱点,同时利用当前游戏的机制. 如果他决定的话,我期待着在未来欢迎他加入我们的电子竞技项目. – Coach Cioffi

Alexander B.

Throughout his tenure at Poly, Reyhan Sanchez ’24 在比赛内外都展示了他的领导才能. 他在比赛中表现出稳定和自律, communicated clearly with teammates, and always carried a calm level-headed demeanor. Win or lose, he was always respectful of his opponent. 我可以看到雷汉将这些技巧很好地运用到他人生的下一个篇章中. – Coach Cioffi

Reyhan Sanchez
eSports Coach

Pasquale Cioffi 在2010年获得计算机科学学士学位后,他加入了保利预科学院. A fan of the early 2000s competitive fighting game scene, 帕斯夸里和他的弟弟一起购买了他们的第一台电子游戏系统, the Nintendo Gamecube, and the Super Smash Bros. Melee video game for that system. Unknowingly purchasing a “fun multiplayer party game,“他开始意识到这项运动的竞争性和技术性很强, 观察这个系列的职业玩家在大型决赛中的表现进一步证明了这一想法.

当有机会指导对游戏最新版本感兴趣的保利学生时, Super Smash Bros. 最后,对于保利电子竞技队来说,帕斯夸莱的回答很明确:是的. In his coaching debut, Pasquale considered what a tournament player would do to practice; and developed a coaching strategy that was personalized for each player’s character and gameplay style. 它还包括对游戏本身的基本理解,以及在电子竞技比赛阶段所期望的令人尊敬的角色.

As an eSport coach, Pasquale创建了一个结构化的实践礼仪,其中包括记录结果, 理解和分析玩家的优势和劣势, 在每周团队会议之外培养竞争性游戏习惯, 确保学生将学业和社交生活置于游戏职责之上, 他们在这一过程中实践了良好的体育精神,培养了新的友谊.

In reflecting on the inaugural season, Pasquale said, “这是教育领域的每个人都在努力的事情,并希望他们的学生能够最终学会独立发展——客观地自我意识。, planning out the necessary changes wherever needed, committing to doing the work to further their true potential throughout their lifetime; while still being able to showcase their strengths and talents in a humble manner. 制定如何更好地准备不同比赛场景的路线图, 看到学生们的天赋和技能从开始到赛季结束的进步, was a truly novel and rewarding experience. I hope this thought process can help them in some way, no matter how small; to translate into other aspects of their life throughout their time at Poly and beyond.”
